Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park is an adventure and science fiction film
created in 1993 by director Steven Spielberg, based on the eponymous book written by
Michael Crichton. The film centers on the fictional Isla Nublar, where a
billionaire philanthropist as well as a small team of geneticists create a
theme park on an island, where the main attractions are the varied species of
dinosaurs recreated through genetic laboratories. In my opinion, it was one of
the best films in the history of cinema, because it was an important milestone
in cinema besides to revolutionizing graphic effects in cinema!
Furthermore, this film manages to hold the viewer's attention from beginning to
end, as the action scenes are tense. However, it has minor flaws, in the animation
of dinosaurs for example, but this is due to the fact that it is an old film.
Direction: Steven Spielberg,Colin
Trevorrow, Joe Johnston
Author: Michael Crichton
Stars: John Hammond, Dr. Alan Grant and Dra. Ellie Stattler
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